Search Results for “draggable”

Area Under Sine (draggable)
Observe the definite integral of sine, or the area between the function sin(x) and the x axis, and how it changes between different bounds by dragging the boundaries, a and b. What happens to the area when the interval is 2Π? Why?
Circle Proof
This is the first app ever on Euclid’s Muse! It provides a draggable diagram to help illustrate a mathematical proof. This proof was discovered when modeling the Twisted Savonius style wind turbine from a top view. The full proof can be found here.
Chord Angle Theorem
The chord angle theorem states that in an inscribed triangle (ABC) where A is the center of the circle and BC is a chord, and BDC is an inscribed triangle on the same chord, angle BDC must equal one half of angle BAC. Try changing the angle and moving point D and observe the theorem’s truth. Note: the measure of angle BDC is being constantly recalculated as point D is dragged, but it doesn't change because of this theorem.
Cyclic Quadrilateral Theorem
The Cyclic Quadrilateral Theorem states that for a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, the measures of opposite angles must add to 180 degrees. Drag the points and observe the angle measures to see how this theorem holds true.
Simple Similar Triangles
Drag points A, B, and C to change the size and shape of the blue triangle, and its white counterpart that is similar (constrained by proportional SAS). Drag the Red point D to change the ratio in sizes. Observe the multitude of calculated output lengths and angles, and how they match the proportion value, proving similarity, regardless of the triangles' shapes/sizes.
Vector Combinations and Span
AB and AC are vectors. Vector AF is defined by t(AB) + s(AC) where t and s are scalars. Drag E and D to change the scalars and see how using the scalars creates vectors in the plane defined by AB and AC.
parabola envelope
We use a trick to let the trace "open up" as you drag a point. The trick is this: an initial point is given parametric location s*t, create a tangent at this point and its envelope as s varies. Now hide the original point and create another point with parameter t, and make it draggable. Dragging the new point changes the value of t and we see a trace from 0 to t.