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Search Results for “function-composition”

By Duncan
Function Composition
Define g(x) and h(x).  Now try and define f(x) so that f(g(x)) = h(x).

Tags: function, function-composition

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 1
Can you find the function f, so that f(sin(x)) matches the grey curve?

Tags: function-composition, algebra-2

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 2
Can you find the function f, so that f(sin(x)) matches the grey curve?

Tags: function-composition, algebra-2

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 3
Can you find the function f, so that f(sin(x)) matches the grey curve?

Tags: function-composition, algebra-2

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 4
Can you find the function f, so that f(sin(x)) matches the grey curve?

Tags: function-composition

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 5
Can you find the function f, so that f(sin(x)) matches the grey curve?

Tags: Function-composition, trigonometry

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 5
Find f(x) such that f(sin(x)) matches the mystery curve.

Tags: function-composition, trigonometry

By Duncan
Function composition challenge 6
Find f(x) such that f(sin(x)) matches the mystery curve.

Tags: function-composition, trigonometry

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